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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

In which the heroine is productive

A second post, as promised!

Okay, I totally hedged that bet. I do that. I do not come from a family of good correspondents.

In any case, a second post, this one with actual news.

I have updated my profile, and observant readers might have noticed that I have gone from a "twenty-something" to a "thirty-something", and deduced that I have just recently turned thirty. The beauty of this, however, means that I only have to remember to change my age it once a decade, in the autumn.

Also in my newly updated profile, is a discreet line mentioning that Torquere Press have picked up another two stories for 2010 - publication in April and September if I read my contract right (not to worry, I know exactly when they are due - deadlines are Fixed Dates in my head; everything else is broadly negotiable. Except my birthday, which lasts about six weeks.) Come closer to when they're coming out, I'll post the exact dates, and will hopefully take a turn in the Torquere Social driving seat.

The first one has a working title of "Grisaille in Brown" and the second, "Grisaille in Gray". I had actually planned to write more about this, but I've kind of run out of time.


Doing a periodic not-quite-vanity google, I came across the fact that someone had added me to goodreads. So I signed up, and claimed my author account (which was fantastically simple - I was impressed, honestly).

Goodreads, I suspect, could become quite addictive.

Er, I shall get back to work shortly. Right after a doll up my goodreads profile just a *tiny* bit more.

Oh, yes! Speaking of getting back to work, I shall have another post about upcoming work, possibly even today. I may get the hang of this blogging thing after all.

ETA: nice try, blogger. It's not nearly 8:21 here.